How you can help
Your urgent action is needed to stop a developer from tearing down the magnificent United Artists art deco theater in downtown Berkeley. It unacceptable for the developer to preserve just a fraction of the facade and lobby and demolish the grand, four-story theater itself. Please raise awareness and increase public pressure by taking the following actions:
1. Send form letter to city officials demanding preservation of the entire UA theater
We’ve created an all-purpose letter to email to city staff and elected leaders. You can edit it or leave it as is. If you are from Berkeley please SAY SO at the bottom of letter. Sign the letter now
If you want to craft your own letter/email, please see item # 9 below for further guidance. Bonus points for sending an actual letter or postcard to city officials. Any letter should be sent to the planning department, City Attorney’s office, ZAB, and the City Council.
2. Sign our petition
Please join Save the UA Berkeley in calling on city leaders to not make a mistake they would regret and preserve this theater in its entirety! Sign the petition now
3. Join the email list
You’ll receive periodic emails telling you what is going on and suggesting ways you can help. Join us now
4. Fill out our participation survey
Please fill out this short survey about ways you could possibly assist the campaign.
5. Share on Social Media
Feel free to talk about the issue on social media, including Nextdoor—especially if you live in Berkeley. Make it clear that the ENTIRE theater should be preserved, not just the facade. Feel free to tag city leaders in your posts but keep it civil. Also, please join our Facebook group.
6. Attend meetings—online or in person
We urge you to attend, especially if you live or do business in Berkeley, the upcoming meetings of the Zoning Adjustments Board and the City Council. Arrive on time to speak during the public comments period at the start. ZAB meets twice monthly on Thursday nights at 7pm. City Council meets twice monthly on Tuesdays at 6pm. Both meetings can be attended online as well. Get on our email list to stay in the loop.
7. Donate
Make a donation to our Go Fund Me page. Donate