Save Berkeley’s
United Artists Theater
Stop the wrecking ball!

Save Berkeley’s
United Artists Theater
Stop the wrecking ball!

Our Mission
The opportunity to save Berkeley’s magnificent Art Deco landmark!
Save the UA Berkeley coalesced in the wake of the closure of the theater in February 2023. We are a group of thousands of concerned citizens whose leadership has expertise in historic preservation and operating historic movie theaters.
How you can help
Please help us save Berkeley’s United Artists Theater from being destroyed. Join our email list and take the participation survey below.

About us
Citizens coming together to preserve Berkeley’s past and inspire its future
Save the UA Berkeley is a growing group of hundreds of concerned citizens that began to coalesce after the theater closed in February 2023. Our leadership has a broad range of experience and expertise including historic preservation and operating historic movie theaters.
History of the theater
The UA Berkeley’s glorious past and potential for renewal
When the United Artists theater opened on Shattuck Avenue on September 16, 1932, the event was so dazzling a newspaper ran a headline reminding locals this was “Not Hollywood, but Berkeley.”